Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice Artwork

I have really enjoyed Disney’s Prep & Landing Christmas Specials. They have a new one called “Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice” which premieres tonight December 5, here in the USA on ABC. So I asked Disney if they could send me some pre-production artwork from the show. They have done such a magnificent job on these specials, I knew they would have a lot of wonderful artwork, and I was right. So below is some of the artwork Disney was incredibly generous to share. Enjoy, and make sure to watch the Christmas Special tonight. , Thank you again to everyone at Disney that helped out!



  1. Love this! Really sweet movie too

  2. Cool and different style of christmas elf movie. Is there any site where I can dowload prep and landing printable? Are these arts have pattern as well? Thanks
